(happy granola pouches)

What is your full ingredient list?

Organic oats, organic pecans, organic sunflower seeds, organic pumpkin seeds, unsweetened organic coconut chips, organic Vermont grade A maple syrup, organic olive oil, organic dried cherries & homemade organic vanilla salt. 

I have considered offering a gluten-free version but it requires a lot of new certification that isn't in the cards right now.  (the only thing officially with gluten in current recipe are the oats)

How can I get my hands on some of this delicious stuff? 

You can email via the contact form or directly to mandy@greatergoodgranola.com and let us know how much you want

  • a 1 pound "one-off"/one time purchase $14

  • bulk: no special price ($14 per lb) but a little easier for granola jar filling or freezing.

 We will email you back confirming the amount you've ordered, the price and when it will be waiting for you on our porch. 

Why don't you let us just order seamlessly from your website?

I have a cottage food license which comes with restrictions on how I sell this product. Online sales are a "no-no" according to my friends at the Washing State Department of Agriculture but placing your order and paying me separately is easy.

Can I pay you via PayPal or Venmo? 

Yes!  I can accept payment via Paypal (mandy@greatergoodgranola.com- please select friends/family so I don’t give up fees to PayPal), Venmo: @MandyGreaterGood). Checks are welcome too. 

Do you make each batch by hand/from scratch/ in your own kitchen/often after 10pm?

Yes. And Clay and the girls are my bag stampers + label stickers. Thank goodness.

How much money have you given away and how often do you rotate charities?  

We have given away over $95,000!! We rotate charities about every month.

Can we pay you extra for the granola knowing that anything above and beyond your costs to run the business go directly to charity? 

Of course.

Do you have any more of those cute, super soft, comfy Greater Good Granola t-shirts? 

YES!!! In all sizes.

Do you also run an independent marketing consulting practice?

Why yes, I do.  Check it out, Lev Strategies.

More questions: email me directly, mandy@greatergoodgranola.com